Infinite Galaxies

For those of you who tuned into last night’s stream, we had the creator of Infinite Galaxies, Rory MacLeod, on the stream for a brief interview. For those of you who did not tune in… SHAME!!!!  SHAAAAAAAAAME!!!

At any rate, Infinite Galaxies is a very user friendly, Sci-Fi based RPG that  takes about 40 minutes to setup, IF NO ONE HAS PLAYED BEFORE. It is perfect for neophytes and people who want to try out RPGs, but are a little too afraid of D&D and want something a bit more casual.

The creator of the game, Rory, has graciously placed all the materials online. Check them out at


Drafting at Table Top!!!!!!!

Next week we will be streaming at an exotic location, at TableTop Game Cafe in Columbus, OH. The address is 4316 N High St, Columbus, OH 43214. If you’re there at 7pm EST, we may be able to work you into the stream and become super famous*

Thoughtseize Giveaway!!!


Our hero, Elliott decided to take it upon himself to actually draft non-phantom Iconic Masters over on MTGO. He lucked out and got a THOUGHTSEIZE!!! This too can be yours if you share the publicly share the facebook link, tag a friend, and watch our stream. Those who do are entered to win the Thoughtseize!!!! Click the pic above for the facebook post!

I know it’s been long but…

It looks like the KnucklePancakeSquad is at it AGAIN!

Tune in every Wednesday at 7pm EST to watch Elliott and Eugene playing MTG Online. There will be giveaways!!

Such as Free MTGO cards!!!!


Also, on 11/22/17, we will be live opening a box of iconic masters!!!


Hello ALL!

Thanks for dropping by. Currently, the site is rather bare bones, but we assure you, it’s going to get much better with time. Please check us out on our stream on 1/7/16  @ six pm for the Aether Revolt set review.